Sunday Smoothies

My kids have been loving them a “Sunday Smoothie”.
(Called that because they originated as a Sunday afternoon treat.)
Little do they know it is full of fruits and a little extra good stuff.
You know — a handful of parsley, kale, carrots, spinach and broccoli.
But if you are following suit — hold off on the broccoli.
It’s a little nasty with that stuff in it.
And make sure you make them without peeking eyes.
When Scout saw me throw in the parsley, he wanted to know what I was doing.
Luckily I was quick on my feet and told him I was adding Kryptonite.
And he thought it was pretty cool that he was going to eat the stuff that even Superman couldn’t handle.


San Diego Tribune….
“Defending champions Pants Optional cross the finish line at the Silver Strand State Beach in Coronado.”
Nice work Babe.

Great Park

While Micah ran Ragnar, I took the kids to the Great Park for a little fun on the playground and a ride in the sky.
When we arrived, we were the last people they gave tickets to for the big balloon ride.  I was stoked to get them, because this is our third attempt, and the first two were no go’s because of bad weather.  So hooray for sunshine this day!  Here we are waiting in line with our new buddy Joey who we met at the playground.
(Sidenote:  Scout is awesome at making new friends at the playground.  He always asks if someone wants to play, and ends up having new buddies all over the place.  Apparently he is good — since Joey wanted to pose in our family picture!)
His big boy is already taking the blue spot in the stroller.
Poor Scout is now a walker with mom, and Icka still happily sits in the pink spot.
Scout, Joey and Icka holding on as we ride up.
The weather was nice enough to see where we live — kind of.
Then it was off to the carousel.
Scout insisted on the horse with armor.
Too bad I forgot the Bjorn for Dash, but he loves for me to hold him.
Last stop was the big bike they wanted to ride on.
The Great Park is awesome.  Everything is free, we had nice weather and very little wait time.  It is clean, and they have a farm to check out.  And just to think, we were going to pay $12 to go to the Pet Expo with a million other people and a bunch of nasty fried food.
We obviously chose correctly.

Necklace Gone

I kissed Navy’s face until she woke up.  I knew we were going to be late for church, and letting her wake up on her own is the best way to get a happy result.  This particular morning, she immediately opened her eyes in wide surprise and said, “I saw my Navy necklace!”  The real gold necklace that said her name and went missing about a week and a half ago.  I’ll be honest…she always surprised me by being so delicate with it, so I am pretty sure it must have been tugged on and snapped.  Who knows.  I told her that she was probably dreaming.  She touched he neck and told me, “No, it is right here!  I saw it on my neck in dat room.”  Then she pointed to Nonnie’s bathroom.  I told her that her mind was working while she was sleeping, and that it was just a dream and it was pretend.  It still took her a minute to realize that her necklace was gone.
No wonder her scary dreams send her over the edge.  She was completely convinced that dreamland was real.  I love the innocence.
Background — Navy has worn her “Navy” necklace for over a year.  She is known to be somewhat of a rough and tough girl, so we were all surprised when she wore this dainty necklace without fiddling or tugging on it — EVER!  That being said, we were all bummed when her necklace went missing a few days ago.  We searched high and low, but it was nowhere.  We even kept it in our prayers to be able to find it.
About a week after the necklace went missing, Scout was riding his scooter along the sidewalk in our cul-de-sac.  All of a sudden, as he looked to his right, he saw the necklace placed on the half wall in front of the Perkowski’s house.  We are pretty sure that Gary (the Perkowski’s uncle, and the community protector) was gardening and found it on Jungle Hill and pu it there for us to retrieve.
Yay — it’s back!


No matter where or when, this boy is happy.
Take for instance … being covered in miso soup and formula, and put on the CVS floor next to Skilly’s dirty feet … YEP — he’s happy.


Sushi has been a long time favorite in our household.
And in honor of tradition, I got a picture of Dash (at 6 months) with our favorite Sushi chef — Go.
Good Choice was redone a few years back, but in almost the identical spot, Scout (at 12 days) got his picture taken with our favorite chefs back in the day — Ru & Rio.
And Go made another appearance with Icka (at 15 months).
Looking back, I guess I did them all at different ages.
But no matter the age, one thing is true — my kids favorite place to eat (besides Denny’s) is Good Choice.
And it works perfectly well, because all of the adults love it too.
It is VERY safe to say that we are there on average once a week.
It is even safer to say that on average, my mom — a creature of habit, is there about three times a week.
I can’t complain.
I am just stoked my kids always beg for tofu, edamame, canteloupe and miso soup, instead of chicken nuggets.

He Wants Food

This is what happens when Ka leaves the glass bowl that holds his baby food on his high chair.
He revolts by flailing around to knock the food off, holds up his spoon and demands that he wants more.
Pretty cute on his part.
Pretty idiotic on hers!
No worries — she had to clean it up, and it only took her fifteen minutes??!
And I was sure to have everyone wear shoes for the next day, because I knew there were still little shards of glass lurking.

Missionary Help

We have a great set of missionaries in our ward right now.  They are hard workers, good eaters, on the ball and have great personalities.  The first time they came over for dinner, “Elder Jake” (which is what we call him because he looks like my nephew Jake and Navy thought it was Jake the first time she saw him) asked if there was any manual labor he could help us out with.  He grew up on a farm and was aching to get his hands dirty.  I didn’t want to abuse the system, but after another 10 requests, I met them up at my garden that needed to be cleared and tilled.
Elder Jake (Oldham) was teaching Scout how to really dig deep.
So by the end, Scout was jumping on the sides of his shovel to get a really big scoop of dirt.
Of course my kids got too hot and were down to pants before the end.
Scout and Navy were loving the missionaries.
Navy gave Elder Jake a flower for behind his ear.
After Costco pizza and dogs, we put in a good two hours of work before Dash cried our way out of there.  The poor baby was running on fumes and needed his bed.  After we left, the missionaries stayed and cleared more.  They were awesome helpers, and I was stoked to have my garden ready for planting season!

The Cool Kid

Ka is determined to make Dash into a cool kid.
I think once we get past the finger sucking, we will be well on our way.
And with a mom like me — obviously he already is that cool kid.
But with a dad like Micah, he might need a little help at times.

The Real Deal

Sometimes I give Navy a bad rap.
She has so many classic naughty stories to tell, that they sometimes overshadow the sweet lovey dovey stories that come from her.
Like the time last week when I picked her up from nursery at church and the teacher told me how sweet Navy is.  She told me that when another little girl was crying because her mom had left, Navy walked over to her and hugged her and tried to cheer her up with one of the toys she had hoarded.
Or the time I was driving with her and she sweetly said to me, “Mom…my feet have sparkles.  Can you make them not sparkly?”  I told her to put them in front of her and when the blood got to them, they would stop having sparkles.
Or how the second she sees Dash, she says, “Hi…HI….hi….HHHIIIIIII….hI….hi.hi.hi…..HI!”  She gets it from me because I say hi to him about three times in a row.  She took it a step further, and makes him grin ear to ear each time.
Or how every time she goes outside, she comes back in with a flower for me.
Or when she came to me yesterday to tell me she had the hiccups and wanted them to stop.  I told her to take three sips of water (I actually take ten myself, but the less sips, the less possibility for mess) to get rid of them.  After her sips, she looked at me with pretty sad eyes to say, “Mom, I took *hiccup* my three sips, and the are not gone *hiccup*.  SEE!”
Or how no matter what she has, she passes one out to everyone.  Like when my mom gave her five one dollar bills for something the other day, she started passing one out to everyone in the room.
Or when I asked her to change Dash’s diaper and she happily obliges.  It is a crack up to watch — especially when Dash is in crazy movement mode.  But she just talks him through it and gets the job kind of done.  I re-tighten the tabs at the end, but she gives me a good foundation.
Honestly, she is an absolute joy to be around.  She is everyone’s favorite thing, and I am SO glad she is mine!