
Summer Thacker threw me the greatest baby shower.  She themed it as “Lindsey’s got a bun in the oven, and we have the burgers on the grill.”  The invitations were darling, and the whole party was a great success and followed the theme beautifully.



We all started out with individual In-N-Out bags that contained our burger, fries and a drink.  We then played a fun drawing game (thanks to Juenny Tucker)  where we put a plate on top of our heads and had to draw a baby.  I picked the winners, and congratulations go to Tristen and Auntie Gail! 


Afterwards, I opened amazing presents!  Darling clothes, blankets, and burp clothes, and practical stuff like baby monitors, a bouncy seat and a Baby Bjorn!  I loved all of my gifts, and feel SO prepared for numero uno!



I had a great turnout.  A ton of family showed up from both sides including Brett with seven week old Grant from Vegas, Ashley and Tristen in from Utah, Bree was here from Bakersfield, etc…  My long lost friends showed up, including Sarah Steed from Huntington Beach and Britni Samuelian down from Utah! Overall, it was a very fun time….and serious acknowledgement goes out to the one and only SUMMER THACKER!
